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Principal Contractor
NG Bailey IT Services
Key Benefits
Improved customer experience
Business continuity and disaster recovery
Integration of IT and data systems
Designers and engineers embedded

In order to provide customers with the ongoing confidence that Tesco can deliver for them, it is also crucial that its infrastructure works.

Under a long-term managed services agreement, we were an important and trusted partner to this leading retailer across its key data centre network, improving connectivity and data management.

We delivered and managed a range of services across devices and central infrastructure, from fixes of the network to security, cabling migration across different sites and asset audits.

We installed high density fibre optic trunk as well as servers and switches, including Dell, Arista and Cisco. We fully updated Nlyte data centre infrastructure management assets alongside iPatch connections.

A key benefit of these services was the enabling of any asset to be easily located between individual data centres and patching reports subsequently produced. This greatly reduced the time needed to locate and deal with faults or build new circuits. 
